Interview Do's and Dont's

Interview Do's and Dont's 

We have included some Do's and Dont's for you to use in your next interview to help you become the successful candidate you deserve to be! 



  • Arrive 10 mins earlier sets a good first impression of your timekeeping
  • Dress professionally, it is best to be overdress than underdressed!
  • Ask questions to show an interest in the role, company and interview
  • Be authentic and yourself, it is the best thing you can do in an interview!


  • Speak negatively or unprofessionally about past employers, this steers you away from the positives.
  • Lie or exaggerate, this isn't helpful for anyone. Highlighting strengths is important but false claims will always come to light later on.
  • Be unprepared as this suggests a disinterest in the interview and company.


Now that you have had our Do's and Don'ts, we think you are ready to smash your next interview!